
The goal of each No Finish Line: to support projects in favor of disadvantaged or suffering children.

Actions and Projects : Monaco
The NO FINISH LINE Monaco is the first of its kind. It is obvious that many projects have been realized, only a few are represented here. Since 2004, the organization has decided to donate the majority of its profits to the Cardio Thoractic Center of Monaco in order to finance operations for children with serious heart defects. This is made possible thanks to the collaboration with other associations such as Rencontres Africaines, which allows operated children from Africa to be hosted by families in the Nice region.


VICTOR HUGO SCHOOL – NEPAL Kathmandu Construction of toilets in the nursery school financed by Children & Future and financing of equipment for the schoolyard.


Equipment for the field and the Happy Hand quarry – L’Alterrecho, Cagnes/mer Financing of solar lighting and field maintenance equipment for this equitherapy and equimediation association. Happy Hands receives, in addition to children with specific needs, Ukrainian refugee children but also minors repatriated from the Syrian war


FLAVIEN FOUNDATION Participation in the financing of a clinical trial Driven by the Flavien Foundation for a new molecule transposed to pediatric brain tumors via the Monaco Scientific Center


LES HIRONDELLES – BIOT Creation of a musical journey within the IME les Hirondelles of the French Red Cross. The center welcomes children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Through educational, therapeutic and pedagogical activities and in conjunction with their family caregivers, the objective of the IME is to promote the development and fulfillment of these children and adolescents as well as their participation in social and civic life.conjunction with their family caregivers, the objective of the IME is to promote the development and fulfillment of these children and adolescents as well as their participation in social and civic life.


MOTHERS OF AFRICA – NIGER AND ZAMBIA AID FOR YOUNG GIRLS Purchase and manufacture of hygiene kits for young girls; purchase of food for basic necessities as well as sewing machines for learning


Roquebillière, France: construction of a city stadium following the storm Alex


Carla, France suffering from a neurodevelopmental disease: neurostimulative sessions, Tomatis method


Cambodge: creation and equipment of multimedia rooms


Mauritanie, Dioulloum: construction of multimedia classrooms


Ouarzazate, Maroc, Solidarité Marathon des Sables: construction of a football field and an athletics track


IME Les Hirondelles, Biot, France: Development of a sensory Snoezelen room


Tchad, HCRNU. Construction of a school for three classes, refugee camp


SOS village d'enfants, Carros, France. Construction of a playground


School Victor Hugo, Katmandou. Construction of a kindergarten and sanitaries


IME Les Hirondelles, Biot, France. Equipping a sensory room and purchasing aquatic sound equipment


In partnership with the Monegasque association SHARE but also with the Directorate of International Cooperation (DCI), Children & Future participates in the financing of a catheterization room within the CHME le Luxembourg in Bamako. This one was built in 2019.


The Victor Hugo Manjushree Vidyapith School, in the north of Kathmandu (Nepal), welcomes 212 children, the vast majority of whose parents cannot afford the school fees. The objective of the school is to promote access to quality education for all and to allow equal opportunities. In two years, we have financed the construction of a kindergarten with four classrooms and a boarding school for 100 primary and secondary students.


We gave a scholarship to a young Brazilian student in training at the Ballets de Monte Carlo dance academy, so that his dream of becoming a star dancer could come true.


In 2012, Children & Future partnered with the Direction de l'Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports (DENJS- Monaco) to help children in difficulty at school and develop educational projects. We have financed the purchase of computer and educational equipment for use in schools.


In order for these Syrian refugees in Lebanon to be in the best conditions, with the association "Les Amis du Liban", we have decided to finance the purchase of blankets in one of the many camps.


So that young teenagers and adults with disabilities in the Alpes-Maritimes can discover the pleasures of diving, we finance adapted diving equipment and a vehicle equipped to facilitate their transport.


With the help of rugby and with little infrastructure, this house in the village of Yoff (Senegal) allows, through a sporting and educational approach, these children to be inserted in the economic circuit of the country.


In Antananarivo (Madagascar) 3 to 4,000 children and young people live in the street in conditions of extreme poverty. In collaboration with the Auteuil Foundation, we have decided to participate in the schooling and training of approximately 900 street children each year.


Act for Nature - Madagascar: participation in the financing of a school to participate in the well-being of these children and their schooling.


The Cheikh Zaied Hospital, Nouakchott (Mauritania) works in collaboration with the D.C.I Monaco and the Share association. NO FINISH LINE has financed a sterilization room for the cardiology department, the upgrading of an operating room and the training of medical staff.


In addition to having participated in the construction of the Maison de Vie (Carpentras - 84) for mothers and their children affected by HIV/AIDS in 2010, the association also participates in the financing of the Maison de Vie. The Maison de vie was created by H.S.H. Princess Stephanie of Monaco, godmother of the NO FINISH LINE Monaco.


The NO FINISH LINE has become closely linked to the Cardio THoracic Center of Monaco in order to operate on children with severe heart defects. These children benefit from the latest technology to make the operation less difficult. In addition, gifts are offered to them to make their stay as pleasant as possible.


So that the Panameans have access to health, the renovation of this medical dispensary and the donation of medical tools in collaboration with the association Pro Ninez took place.


Rehabilitation of the Rural and Artisanal Center of Guiberoua (Ivory Coast): the reopening in healthier conditions to allow these adolescents to grow up in better conditions with the possibility of learning new trades.


Defending children's rights is one of our primary goals, and supporting the International Bureau for Children's Rights is a given.


The Enfance Espoir de Paris association works for children suffering from leukemia or cancer by offering them art therapy. By participating in the financing, the NFL works for the well-being of sick children.

Actions and Projects : Paris

Since 2015

Samu Social Paris. Chemins d'Enfances has been working with the Samusocial de Paris for about 5 years. A team intervenes every week on 8 hotels in Ile de France during the school period and more intensively during the holidays on other hotels. It is proposed a moment of free play followed by a more collective workshop intended to strengthen the acquisition of the French language by children. These workshops are supervised by a graduate professor in FLE (French as a Foreign Language) and an animator. In addition to the already well-established workshops, Chemins d'Enfances now plans to integrate cultural aspects (outings in free public places near hotels such as libraries, museums, exhibitions, concerts, etc.) and to involve parents more in the workshops

Since 2015

Operations of children with serious heart defects or other serious pathologies

Actions and Projects : Nice
NO FINISH LINE Nice, some projects


Acquisition of a mechanical horse (Babieca Center in Massac) Purpose: to use horses for therapeutic purposes for children in psychological, mental or physical difficulties, with behavioral problems. This allows you to promote well-being through the practice of an equestrian activity. Going through a mechanical pommel horse is a gateway ensuring a much better approach to the animal and strengthening confidence in the abilities of the small or young rider.


Climbing wall (PEP 06) Adapted sport has an important place in the activities deployed by the PEP06: wheelchair football, adapted rugby, basketball, torball, showdown, fencing, races of all kinds, adapted skiing, sailing, cycling... are all vectors of learning, rehabilitation methods, self-improvement activities and health education but also time for learning to live together in an inclusive, supportive and equitable society. The ROSSETTI medico-social system of PEP06 will set up an outdoor climbing wall in order to further expand its range of adapted sporting activities.


MRI ambient lighting system (Centre Lacassagne) Children at the Lacassagne center suffer from anxiety during their examination in the MRI “tube”, which sometimes means the process has to be interrupted. This ambient system allows the comfort and relaxation of the little patient with the projection of all types of images: landscapes, sea, cartoons...


Introduction to the aerial world (Les Ailes des Enfants) For disadvantaged children or those suffering from disabilities. Children from the Nice Foundation were able to benefit from these baptisms. A great meeting for these children who were able to experience the profession of pilot as well as that of air traffic controllers while discovering the region “from the sky”! They all came back with stars in their eyes


Nice: financing of a snoezelen room for ALC children


Purchase of a bicycle rickshaw for disabled children, Fondation Lenval, Nice


Roquebillière, France. reconstruction of a sports field destroyed during storm Alex


Hospital STE MARIE SIPAD service (difficult teenagers with risky behavior) - Nice: Financing of one year of horse therapy activities. Financing of winter snowshoeing excursions: this activity requires both physical and relational skills.


Weekend outings for young people from Chemin des rêves: Financing of weekend outings for disabled or underprivileged children and young people in the hinterland of Nice and in the Var.


Materials for Fondation Lenval (Nice): Purchase of equipment (specific pediatric mannequins of the latest generation) to train families in emergency procedures for toddlers and infants as well as families of seriously ill children.


Vacation camp for children hosted by ALC: Financing of a 10-day vacation camp to allow children to have a vacation in another place to break with their daily life. Visits to towns, hiking, horseback riding with a visit to the Camargue Regional Natural Park, beaches...


Parent / child activity room (ALC pôle protection de l'enfance et parentalité): arrangement of a room for parent / child activities in Nice. The objectives are to give the children places adapted to the games, to observe better and thus to have a more precise evaluation of the parents.


Monegasque gliding association: project co-financed with Children and Future Monaco, participation in the purchase of a glider to enable underprivileged children or children in difficulty (disability, illness) to make flights and learn this discipline.


Les Ailes des Enfants : Financing of airplane flights for sick, handicapped and/or disadvantaged children. Financing of flight simulation on A320 and financing of paragliding flights.


Villa Marie Ange - Living space - Nice: Development of a living space for young girls in boarding school by the foundation of nice psp acts. This space is fitted out for the young girls and serves as a sports room, a dance hall, a home cinema, but will also be a friendly meeting place. The goal is to allow these young girls to develop physically and psychologically. This project was also co-financed with Children&Future Monaco, organizer of the NFL Monaco.


Autism Resource Center - Lenval Foundation (Nice): The Autism Resource Center of the Lenval Hospital has moved to new and larger premises for the reception of children during the day in the catering room. Specific games have been provided for the balneotherapy room.


French Federation of Rescue and First Aid: We have financed boards and thermal equipment adapted for children with disabilities. The main objective of this club is to bring confidence and know-how in the gestures of rescue in aquatic environment (technique of rescue in the sea) and thus to fully integrate the adapted sport section of first aid for all in the events and sports competitions of the federation.

Actions and Projects : Athens








"TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN" Founded in Greece in 1996, Together for Children is an association of ten foundations and non-profit organizations working organizations, working on an equal footing for the welfare of more than 30,000 children every year, including more than 10,000 direct beneficiaries. The association's main objective is to provide all forms of assistance to children and youth in need, especially those facing poverty and suffering from physical or mental disabilities, abuse and chronic illness. abuse and chronic illnesses. The organizations and foundations that make up the association "Together for Children" are: "Children's Home", "Hadzipaterion" - Social Action Foundation, "Cerebral Palsy in Greece", "Filoi toy Theotokos", "Hara" - Center for People with Special Needs, "Π.Ε.Α.Ν.Δ" - Panhellenic Union against Juvenile Diabetes, "Friends of the Child", "BLOW" - Friends of the Children in Intensive Care, "Friends of Merimna", "Merimna".

Actions and Projects : Oslo


"Stine Sofies Foundation"


"Stine Sofies Foundation" The foundation was established 20 years ago, and aims to prevent and recognize child abuse and violence. The aim is to protect them from violence. Many activities are carried out. Conferences are given for preschool children, parents and professionals to better understand professionals in order to better understand child abuse and to know how to act on its scale. Legal assistance is also provided to these children. The world's first training and coping center has been opened in Grimstad, Norway for adolescents exposed to violence and abuse. In a safe environment, the participants will be able to feel joy again and learn new skills to return to life as young people their age.

Actions and Projects : Bratislava
The NO FINISH LINE Bratislava


Therapeutic Playground Project The National Institute of Childhood Diseases is starting a new approach based on a new type of communication communication, a so-called therapeutic communication. Certain anxieties appear in the youngest patients and their parents during their hospitalization and during their examinations such as MRI. It is true that children are afraid of the noise of this confined space in which they must remain immobile for several tens of minutes (an eternity for them). In order to reduce these anxieties and the stress of the operation, these children are often treated with powerful drugs. The aim of this technique, which comes from the Netherlands, is to reduce this stress and their suffering. A playground and a medico-educational playroom will allow the children to be sensitized and reassured on their intervention, their stay in the hospital, or on the functioning of their bodies.

Actions and Projects : Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
projects for children


No Finish Line Santa Cruz, a charity event which aims to raise 100,000 Bs to condition an environment allowing better living conditions for mothers and babies treated at the Percy Boland maternity ward


Care and prevention for children suffering from Chagas disease (trypanosomiasis), a disease transmitted by a variety of bedbugs. Action in the Hospital de la Mujer’s within the Bio Molecular Lab, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Rotary International added €40,000 on top of the €4,368 raised during the NFL

Actions and Projects : Monaco
The NO FINISH LINE Monaco is the first of its kind. It is obvious that many projects have been realized, only a few are represented here. Since 2004, the organization has decided to donate the majority of its profits to the Cardio Thoractic Center of Monaco in order to finance operations for children with serious heart defects. This is made possible thanks to the collaboration with other associations such as Rencontres Africaines, which allows operated children from Africa to be hosted by families in the Nice region.


VICTOR HUGO SCHOOL – NEPAL Kathmandu Construction of toilets in the nursery school financed by Children & Future and financing of equipment for the schoolyard.


Equipment for the field and the Happy Hand quarry – L’Alterrecho, Cagnes/mer Financing of solar lighting and field maintenance equipment for this equitherapy and equimediation association. Happy Hands receives, in addition to children with specific needs, Ukrainian refugee children but also minors repatriated from the Syrian war


FLAVIEN FOUNDATION Participation in the financing of a clinical trial Driven by the Flavien Foundation for a new molecule transposed to pediatric brain tumors via the Monaco Scientific Center


LES HIRONDELLES – BIOT Creation of a musical journey within the IME les Hirondelles of the French Red Cross. The center welcomes children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Through educational, therapeutic and pedagogical activities and in conjunction with their family caregivers, the objective of the IME is to promote the development and fulfillment of these children and adolescents as well as their participation in social and civic life.conjunction with their family caregivers, the objective of the IME is to promote the development and fulfillment of these children and adolescents as well as their participation in social and civic life.


MOTHERS OF AFRICA – NIGER AND ZAMBIA AID FOR YOUNG GIRLS Purchase and manufacture of hygiene kits for young girls; purchase of food for basic necessities as well as sewing machines for learning


Roquebillière, France: construction of a city stadium following the storm Alex


Carla, France suffering from a neurodevelopmental disease: neurostimulative sessions, Tomatis method


Cambodge: creation and equipment of multimedia rooms


Mauritanie, Dioulloum: construction of multimedia classrooms


Ouarzazate, Maroc, Solidarité Marathon des Sables: construction of a football field and an athletics track


IME Les Hirondelles, Biot, France: Development of a sensory Snoezelen room


Tchad, HCRNU. Construction of a school for three classes, refugee camp


SOS village d'enfants, Carros, France. Construction of a playground


School Victor Hugo, Katmandou. Construction of a kindergarten and sanitaries


IME Les Hirondelles, Biot, France. Equipping a sensory room and purchasing aquatic sound equipment


In partnership with the Monegasque association SHARE but also with the Directorate of International Cooperation (DCI), Children & Future participates in the financing of a catheterization room within the CHME le Luxembourg in Bamako. This one was built in 2019.


The Victor Hugo Manjushree Vidyapith School, in the north of Kathmandu (Nepal), welcomes 212 children, the vast majority of whose parents cannot afford the school fees. The objective of the school is to promote access to quality education for all and to allow equal opportunities. In two years, we have financed the construction of a kindergarten with four classrooms and a boarding school for 100 primary and secondary students.


We gave a scholarship to a young Brazilian student in training at the Ballets de Monte Carlo dance academy, so that his dream of becoming a star dancer could come true.


In 2012, Children & Future partnered with the Direction de l'Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports (DENJS- Monaco) to help children in difficulty at school and develop educational projects. We have financed the purchase of computer and educational equipment for use in schools.


In order for these Syrian refugees in Lebanon to be in the best conditions, with the association "Les Amis du Liban", we have decided to finance the purchase of blankets in one of the many camps.


So that young teenagers and adults with disabilities in the Alpes-Maritimes can discover the pleasures of diving, we finance adapted diving equipment and a vehicle equipped to facilitate their transport.


With the help of rugby and with little infrastructure, this house in the village of Yoff (Senegal) allows, through a sporting and educational approach, these children to be inserted in the economic circuit of the country.


In Antananarivo (Madagascar) 3 to 4,000 children and young people live in the street in conditions of extreme poverty. In collaboration with the Auteuil Foundation, we have decided to participate in the schooling and training of approximately 900 street children each year.


Act for Nature - Madagascar: participation in the financing of a school to participate in the well-being of these children and their schooling.


The Cheikh Zaied Hospital, Nouakchott (Mauritania) works in collaboration with the D.C.I Monaco and the Share association. NO FINISH LINE has financed a sterilization room for the cardiology department, the upgrading of an operating room and the training of medical staff.


In addition to having participated in the construction of the Maison de Vie (Carpentras - 84) for mothers and their children affected by HIV/AIDS in 2010, the association also participates in the financing of the Maison de Vie. The Maison de vie was created by H.S.H. Princess Stephanie of Monaco, godmother of the NO FINISH LINE Monaco.


The NO FINISH LINE has become closely linked to the Cardio THoracic Center of Monaco in order to operate on children with severe heart defects. These children benefit from the latest technology to make the operation less difficult. In addition, gifts are offered to them to make their stay as pleasant as possible.


So that the Panameans have access to health, the renovation of this medical dispensary and the donation of medical tools in collaboration with the association Pro Ninez took place.


Rehabilitation of the Rural and Artisanal Center of Guiberoua (Ivory Coast): the reopening in healthier conditions to allow these adolescents to grow up in better conditions with the possibility of learning new trades.


Defending children's rights is one of our primary goals, and supporting the International Bureau for Children's Rights is a given.


The Enfance Espoir de Paris association works for children suffering from leukemia or cancer by offering them art therapy. By participating in the financing, the NFL works for the well-being of sick children.

Actions and Projects : Paris

Since 2015

Samu Social Paris. Chemins d'Enfances has been working with the Samusocial de Paris for about 5 years. A team intervenes every week on 8 hotels in Ile de France during the school period and more intensively during the holidays on other hotels. It is proposed a moment of free play followed by a more collective workshop intended to strengthen the acquisition of the French language by children. These workshops are supervised by a graduate professor in FLE (French as a Foreign Language) and an animator. In addition to the already well-established workshops, Chemins d'Enfances now plans to integrate cultural aspects (outings in free public places near hotels such as libraries, museums, exhibitions, concerts, etc.) and to involve parents more in the workshops

Since 2015

Operations of children with serious heart defects or other serious pathologies

Actions and Projects : Nice
NO FINISH LINE Nice, some projects


Acquisition of a mechanical horse (Babieca Center in Massac) Purpose: to use horses for therapeutic purposes for children in psychological, mental or physical difficulties, with behavioral problems. This allows you to promote well-being through the practice of an equestrian activity. Going through a mechanical pommel horse is a gateway ensuring a much better approach to the animal and strengthening confidence in the abilities of the small or young rider.


Climbing wall (PEP 06) Adapted sport has an important place in the activities deployed by the PEP06: wheelchair football, adapted rugby, basketball, torball, showdown, fencing, races of all kinds, adapted skiing, sailing, cycling... are all vectors of learning, rehabilitation methods, self-improvement activities and health education but also time for learning to live together in an inclusive, supportive and equitable society. The ROSSETTI medico-social system of PEP06 will set up an outdoor climbing wall in order to further expand its range of adapted sporting activities.


MRI ambient lighting system (Centre Lacassagne) Children at the Lacassagne center suffer from anxiety during their examination in the MRI “tube”, which sometimes means the process has to be interrupted. This ambient system allows the comfort and relaxation of the little patient with the projection of all types of images: landscapes, sea, cartoons...


Introduction to the aerial world (Les Ailes des Enfants) For disadvantaged children or those suffering from disabilities. Children from the Nice Foundation were able to benefit from these baptisms. A great meeting for these children who were able to experience the profession of pilot as well as that of air traffic controllers while discovering the region “from the sky”! They all came back with stars in their eyes


Nice: financing of a snoezelen room for ALC children


Purchase of a bicycle rickshaw for disabled children, Fondation Lenval, Nice


Roquebillière, France. reconstruction of a sports field destroyed during storm Alex


Hospital STE MARIE SIPAD service (difficult teenagers with risky behavior) - Nice: Financing of one year of horse therapy activities. Financing of winter snowshoeing excursions: this activity requires both physical and relational skills.


Weekend outings for young people from Chemin des rêves: Financing of weekend outings for disabled or underprivileged children and young people in the hinterland of Nice and in the Var.


Materials for Fondation Lenval (Nice): Purchase of equipment (specific pediatric mannequins of the latest generation) to train families in emergency procedures for toddlers and infants as well as families of seriously ill children.


Vacation camp for children hosted by ALC: Financing of a 10-day vacation camp to allow children to have a vacation in another place to break with their daily life. Visits to towns, hiking, horseback riding with a visit to the Camargue Regional Natural Park, beaches...


Parent / child activity room (ALC pôle protection de l'enfance et parentalité): arrangement of a room for parent / child activities in Nice. The objectives are to give the children places adapted to the games, to observe better and thus to have a more precise evaluation of the parents.


Monegasque gliding association: project co-financed with Children and Future Monaco, participation in the purchase of a glider to enable underprivileged children or children in difficulty (disability, illness) to make flights and learn this discipline.


Les Ailes des Enfants : Financing of airplane flights for sick, handicapped and/or disadvantaged children. Financing of flight simulation on A320 and financing of paragliding flights.


Villa Marie Ange - Living space - Nice: Development of a living space for young girls in boarding school by the foundation of nice psp acts. This space is fitted out for the young girls and serves as a sports room, a dance hall, a home cinema, but will also be a friendly meeting place. The goal is to allow these young girls to develop physically and psychologically. This project was also co-financed with Children&Future Monaco, organizer of the NFL Monaco.


Autism Resource Center - Lenval Foundation (Nice): The Autism Resource Center of the Lenval Hospital has moved to new and larger premises for the reception of children during the day in the catering room. Specific games have been provided for the balneotherapy room.


French Federation of Rescue and First Aid: We have financed boards and thermal equipment adapted for children with disabilities. The main objective of this club is to bring confidence and know-how in the gestures of rescue in aquatic environment (technique of rescue in the sea) and thus to fully integrate the adapted sport section of first aid for all in the events and sports competitions of the federation.

Actions and Projects : Athens








"TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN" Founded in Greece in 1996, Together for Children is an association of ten foundations and non-profit organizations working organizations, working on an equal footing for the welfare of more than 30,000 children every year, including more than 10,000 direct beneficiaries. The association's main objective is to provide all forms of assistance to children and youth in need, especially those facing poverty and suffering from physical or mental disabilities, abuse and chronic illness. abuse and chronic illnesses. The organizations and foundations that make up the association "Together for Children" are: "Children's Home", "Hadzipaterion" - Social Action Foundation, "Cerebral Palsy in Greece", "Filoi toy Theotokos", "Hara" - Center for People with Special Needs, "Π.Ε.Α.Ν.Δ" - Panhellenic Union against Juvenile Diabetes, "Friends of the Child", "BLOW" - Friends of the Children in Intensive Care, "Friends of Merimna", "Merimna".

Actions and Projects : Oslo


"Stine Sofies Foundation"


"Stine Sofies Foundation" The foundation was established 20 years ago, and aims to prevent and recognize child abuse and violence. The aim is to protect them from violence. Many activities are carried out. Conferences are given for preschool children, parents and professionals to better understand professionals in order to better understand child abuse and to know how to act on its scale. Legal assistance is also provided to these children. The world's first training and coping center has been opened in Grimstad, Norway for adolescents exposed to violence and abuse. In a safe environment, the participants will be able to feel joy again and learn new skills to return to life as young people their age.

Actions and Projects : Bratislava
The NO FINISH LINE Bratislava


Therapeutic Playground Project The National Institute of Childhood Diseases is starting a new approach based on a new type of communication communication, a so-called therapeutic communication. Certain anxieties appear in the youngest patients and their parents during their hospitalization and during their examinations such as MRI. It is true that children are afraid of the noise of this confined space in which they must remain immobile for several tens of minutes (an eternity for them). In order to reduce these anxieties and the stress of the operation, these children are often treated with powerful drugs. The aim of this technique, which comes from the Netherlands, is to reduce this stress and their suffering. A playground and a medico-educational playroom will allow the children to be sensitized and reassured on their intervention, their stay in the hospital, or on the functioning of their bodies.

Actions and Projects : Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
projects for children


No Finish Line Santa Cruz, a charity event which aims to raise 100,000 Bs to condition an environment allowing better living conditions for mothers and babies treated at the Percy Boland maternity ward


Care and prevention for children suffering from Chagas disease (trypanosomiasis), a disease transmitted by a variety of bedbugs. Action in the Hospital de la Mujer’s within the Bio Molecular Lab, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Rotary International added €40,000 on top of the €4,368 raised during the NFL